OreTek MicroMill user's Manual

Interactive user interface

Command reference:
acc0 Bore Cog clearance dec0 delay Dinc Drill Edge Enable Excesserror Face Facep1p2 font home jog ipb minvel move prompt proxy rbore rface rdrill rstep spindle text tool tc vel xybore Xystep

command: acc0 value
purpose: defines the linear acceleration window
For encoder based systems, defines the number of encoder steps to accellerate from velocity minvel to velocity vel. For stepper motor systems, defines the number of steps to accelerate from minvel to vel.

See also:
vel minvel dec0

command: bore x,y,z,z2 d1,d2 r1,r2 [a1,a2]
purpose: to bore a hole or round an edge
description: Starting at x,y,z,z2, an inner and outer radius is defined. If angle a1 and a2 are not defined, a hole is bored to depth d1 and d2, otherwise, a portion of hole is bored from r1 to r2, from angle a1 to a2

Video of bore
Video #2 of bore
Video #3 of bore
See also: xystep dinc rstep

command: COG x,y,z1,z2 depth,depth2 teeth angle
purpose: Cuts a round gear pattern into a device at a given depth for a specified number of teeth

See also:

command: clearance value
purpose: adds additional clearance prior to starting an operation

For various operations and in order to eliminate unnecessary move commands, prior to and after finishing an operation, the tool will raise clearance distance. As this new variable is implemented, commands that use it will be referenced below.

See also:

command: dec0 value
purpose: defines the decelleration ramp from vel downto minvel
For encoder based systems, defines the number of encoder steps to decelerate from velocity vel down to velocity minvel. For stepper motor systems, defines the number of pulses to decelerate from velocity vel downto velocity vel.

See also:
vel minvel acc0

command: delay value_in_ms
purpose: causes a delay of value ms
delay 2000
causes a delay of 2 seconds

See also:

command:dinc value
purpose: Sets the depth increment in facing and boring operations (IPM)
Defines the depth per pass in boring and facing operations, unless overridden by supplying a dinc value.

See also:
bore facep1p2 face

command: Drill x,y,z,z2 d1[,plunge],[xoffset,xcount,yoffset,ycount]
purpose: Used to drill holes at a given coordinate with an optional plunge to prevent binding of the drill.
For a regular hole, this command moves to location x,y,z1,z2 and drills to depth d1 in plunge increments if specified. If xoffset,xcount,yoffset,ycount are defined, this command drills an array of holes starting at x,y,z1,z2 and drills an array of holes in one neat little command.

drill 1,1,1,0,1.5 ; Drill a hole to a single location
drill 1,1,1,0,1.5,0.5 1.0,5,1.0,5 ; Drill 25 holes evenly spaced 1"x1" 1.5" deep in 0.5" increments
drill 1,1,1,0,1.5,0.5 1.0,5 ; Drill 5 holes evenly spaced 1" by X 1.5" deep in 0.5" increments
drill 1,1,1,0,1.5,0.5 0,1,1.0,5 ; Drill 5 holes evenly spaced 1" apart 1.5" deep in 0.5" increments

See also:

command: edge axis+/-
purpose: To determine the edge of a part with a digital edge finder
description: Axis can be x,y,z,a,c in a positive or negative direction. For c, the edge finder is used to find the center of a hole, and offsets are irrelevent.

This video issues the following commands:
move 2,1,1,0
edge z-
move 2,1,0.1,0
move 2,3,0.1,0
move 2,3,-0.1,0
edge y-
move 2,0.2,-0.1,0
move 2,0.2,0.1,0
move 2,-0.2,0.1,0
move 0,-0.2,0.1,0
move 0,-0.2,-0.1,0
edge x+
move -0.2,-0.2,-0.1,0
move -0.2,-0.2,0.1,0
move 0,0,0.1,0
prompt the tool should be above the far right corner

Examples: edge z-
This command touches down on the part. edge c+
From the current position, the tool looks for the 4 edges and sets offsets to the centerpoint. Recommended is to perform this command twice in succession for accuracy, unless the hole is damaged. Direction +- is ignored but required. edge x+
Moves right until an edge is found.
A calibration table is required to assure that the edge finder matches tools. The reason for this is that the proximity sensor seems to have different detection for different diameters. For z and a, recommended is to use the following offsets as calibrated using calibrate.cnc, a digital depth gauge and a hole located in the prep section of the file. For some edge finders, center post grinding is required to true up the edge finder. In this case, put in ot.ini the following:

edge=0.xx ; Radius of edge finder

Tool offsets
Tool Delta1 Delta2 Delta3 avg Comments Part Number Vendor
1/4" drill 0.065 0.0649 0.0649 0.064933 Enco
1/4" endmill 2 flute 0.0347 0.0347 0.0347 0.0347 Enco
1/4" endmill 4 flute 0.025 0.0251 0.0251 0.02507 Enco
1/2" 4 flute 0.0212 0.0213 0.0214 0.0213 Enco
1/2" ball noze endmill 0.0489 0.0491 0.0488 0.048933 Enco
#25 drill 0.0723 0.0721 0.072 0.072133 Enco
#36 drill 0.0789 0.0789 0.079 0.07893 Enco
13/64 drill 0.051 0.051 0.051 0.051 Enco
13/64 endmill 0.0391 0.0396 0.0394 0.03937 Enco
1/8" ball nose 0.0743 0.0739 0.0739 0.074033 Enco
3/4" ball nose 0.0124 0.0124 0.0122 0.012333
1" double angle cutter 0 0 0 0 Adjust offset for calibration (hole in bottom)
Proximity X location 18.99 19.277 19.1335 Not important to calculations above.
Proximity Y location 22.96 23.286 23.123 This is just my current machine configuration F11

command: enable value
purpose: Enables/disables the machine
In brief, the beginning of any program enables the machine with an enable 1 command, and at the end, enable 0. When disabling, all motors are shut off, including the

See also: spindle

command: face x,y,z,z2 w,l d1,d2 [xystep dinc]
purpose: faces an object starting at x,y,z,z2 accros w,l to depth d1,d2
For a given operation face will operaton a rectangle either by the supplied xystep or a default value, shifting its vertical position in dinc steps at a time until reaching d1 and d2 for each z axis.
Face Video

See also: xystep dinc facep1p2

command: Facep1p2 x,y,z,z2 z,y,z,z2 d1,d2 [dinc]
purpose: To face from point1 to point 2 at a given depth in dinc increments.
This is usually used as a followup to the face command to clean up edges, but can be used for many other functions. For example, milling to a given depth with a ball nose endmill could produce a channel. Unlike the face command, facep1p2 does not have to be rigidly defined by X or Y. However, the z coordinates should be equal unless a ball nose endmill is used simply because of the chatter that would occur, but this too is not required.

See also:

command: home
purpose: home to limit switches
Seeks first to Z home switches, and then to X and y concurrently. While it's possible to home all 4 axis at once, this is unsafe on some occasions.

See also:

command:minvel value
purpose: Sets the velocity in inches per minute (IPM)
Sets the minimum velocity to start an acceleration or decellloop

See also:
minvel acc0 dec0
command: move x,y,z,z2
purpose: From the current position, move to position x,y,z,z2
This move is relative to the proximity sensor and any offsets. See also:

command: Prompt Display this text to user
purpose: displays a message and waits for keypress
Displays message to operator, and if any key other than esc is pressed, continues. If esc is pressed, the program is aborted.

See also:

command: proxy value
purpose: seeks to proximity switch #value
Proxy 1 seeks to z proxy
Proxy 2 seeks to z2 proxy

Video of proximity sensor setup
See also: home

command: rdrill x,y,z1,z2 radius,sangle,astep,count depth,[plunge]
purpose: To drill holes along an arc description: This command is used to drill holes around a radius point in given increments of degrees (astep), starting at sangle and continuing until count holes are drilled. If Plunge is not defined, plunge depth is equal to depth.

See also:
Bore drill

command: rbore x,y,z,z2 bradius,startangle, amgle, count, d1,d2 r1,r2
purpose: to bore a series of holes radially
description: Starting at x,y,z,z2, A radius of boring holes is defined. Starting at startangle, and proceeding for count locations, hole is bored to a given depth and radius.

See also:
xystep dinc rstep bore

command: rface x,y,z,z2 startangle, angle, count, r1,r2 d1[,d2,a2]
purpose: to face a series of slots radially
description: Starting at x,y,z,z2, A radius of boring grooves is defined. Starting at startangle, and proceeding for count locations, a slot is faced to a given depth from the inner radius point (r1) to an outer radius point (r2). If a2 is specified, this facing operation is rotated about r2. Unlike most radial operations, r2 can be less than r1 and are merely used to define starting points in the facing operations.

See also:
xystep dinc rstep bore bore
command: rstep value
purpose: to control the resolution of radial movements
description: defines positional stepover for radial motion.

Example: rstep 0.005
Each increment in a radial operation calculates its move as a step of 0.005" increments. Usually, this value is closer to 0.001 or lower for a proper finish. This value should be greater than the value in any direction a step takes, or an encoder takes for Servo based systems.
See also:

command: spindle value
purpose: turns the routers on and off
spindle 1 turns the routers on
spindle 0 turns the routers off

See also:

command: spindle value
purpose: turns the routers on and off
spindle 1 turns the routers on
spindle 0 turns the routers off

See also:

command: text x,y,z,a "Text to scribe"
purpose: to scribe text into a part
description: at location x,y,z and rotation a, text is scribed into the part, using the font selected by the font command. Unlike most programming languages, closing quotes are not required

font scri,0.5,-0.5,0.1,0.020
prompt Insert Scribing tool
tool 7
proxy 1
text 1.25,1,15,0.5 "OsiruSoft Research and Engineering"

See also:

command: tool # [radius depthcomp]
purpose: Defines a tool offset and radius for a given tool, or optionally sets the tool to be used for offsets

For each tool definition, a radius and depth offset is assigned.
Example for a 1/2" endmill
;Tool 0 0.1 0.00 This is the hard coded definition of the edge finder but can be overridden with tool 0 radius 0.00
Tool 1 0.25 -0.005
tool 1 ; Assign offsets using tool 1 definition
edge x+ 0.1 ;assigns tool 0 and finds edge.

Special note: This command is very dynamic, as home, proxy, and edge commands automatically revert to tool 0. Whenever you home, proxy or change tools, you need to assign a tool so that the machine can adjust for it. See also:
edge bore facep1p2 face drill

command: tc
purpose: Moves to the system tool change position

As with the homing sequence, tool change involves first moving from the current location to tool change Z. Afterwards, x and y are moved to tool change. Because this position is used for milling orthotics, this position is in millimeters.

See also:

command: tool # [radius depthcomp]
purpose: Defines a tool offset and radius for a given tool, or optionally sets the tool to be used for offsets

For each tool definition, a radius and depth offset is assigned.
Example for a 1/2" endmill
;Tool 0 0.1 0.00 This is the hard coded definition of the edge finder but can be overridden with tool 0 radius 0.00
Tool 1 0.25 -0.005
tool 1 ; Assign offsets using tool 1 definition
edge x+ 0.1 ;assigns tool 0 and finds edge.

Special note: This command is very dynamic, as home, proxy, and edge commands automatically revert to tool 0. Whenever you home, proxy or change tools, you need to assign a tool so that the machine can adjust for it. See also:
edge bore facep1p2 face drill
command:vel value
purpose: Sets the velocity in inches per minute (IPM)
For a given program, the vel command can be issued to determine velocity. Also, in the terminal, pgup and pgdn keys can be used to increase and decrease velocity. The stepper motor controls should never exceed 22 IPM and should be lower for higher torque operations, whereas the servo based system should never exceed 150 IPM.

See also:
minvel acc0 dec0 jog

command: Xystep value
purpose: To set stepover for boring and facing operations
description: Defines the maximum stepover for a given tool
This value is usually a little bit less than the diameter of the tool being used.

See also:
Bore Face

command: xybore x,y,z,z2 xoffset,xcount yoffset,ycount r1,r2 d1[,d2,a1,a2]
purpose: to bore a matrix of holes
description: This operation is meant to bore a series of holes using the bore command,

See also:
xystep dinc rstep bore bore

command: Xystep value
purpose: To set stepover for boring and facing operations
description: Defines the maximum stepover for a given tool
This value is usually a little bit less than the diameter of the tool being used.

See also:
Bore Face
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Interactive user interface

From the router screen, the following keys are available:

Interactive User keys
Key Purpose Detailed
Esc Abort prompt For most time critical operations, provides an interface to abort the current program
F1 Turns on the spindle
F2 Turns off the spindle
F3 Enables the micromill This happens automatically in MicroMill codes and in machining foot orthoses
F4 Disables the micromill This happens automatically after 30 minutes idle and in MicroMill (*.cnc files) code
F5 Loads and runs a micromill cnc file
F6 Settings Generic OreTek Settings menu
F7 Various Mill settings
F8 Makes adjustments for an OreTek plate
F9 Jogs the Z-Axis down
F10 Jogs the Z-Axis up
F11 Sets proximity sensor coordinates
F12 Runs a binary Oretek Machine Code file These files are proprietary to OreTek
PG DN Decreases feedrate Decreases feed rate by 10%
PG UP Increases feedrate Increases feed rate by 10%
Home Homes all axis Homes Z first, and then x and y
Right Jog X+
Left Jog X-
Up Jog y+
Down Jog Y-
+ Jig increment 10%
- Jog decrement 10%
G Gauge cuts for Machine code file Homes the machine if necessary, and performs a gauge cut test
J Jog increment entry Allows the jog step to be set directly
P Proximity test Finds the end of the tool, using a proximity sensor.
Z Home Z Homes the Z axis only
T Tool change Moves to tool change position
Q Quit Quit

